For Global Leader
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and
Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain
and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction
and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and
top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Technology & Quality
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and
Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain
and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction
and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and
top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Advanced Material
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and
Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain
and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction
and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and
top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Technology & Quality
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and
Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain
and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction
and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and
top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
For Global Leader
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Technology & Quality
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Advanced Material
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Technology & Quality
Anti-vibration Material, Watertight Material and Construction Material Specialized Manufacturer
Garmy Advanced Material co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in Anti-vibration materials and watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components, and specializes in manufacturing woodstain and varnish (for leather and paper) made of 100% water-based waterproof products for construction and provides the best quality based on accumulated experience and know-how and top-quality products are provided through long experience and how.
Manufacturer Specializing in Anti-vibration Materials &
Watertight Materials for Automobiles and Electronic Components
Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd specializes in the professional manufacture of Anti-vibration materials,
watertight materials and construction materials for automobiles and electronic components.
Customer satisfaction shall be provided through differentiated technology and outstanding quality to lead the industry.
Our Business
op-quality products are provided through long experience and know-how.
It is generally used for the soundproof and dustproof purposes on the roof and fender panel of the vehicles
Self-adhesive Anti-vibration PADIt is generally used for the soundproof and dustproof purposes on the roof and fender panel of the vehicles
Heated foam sheet used for soundproof purpose on the steel plate of the vehicle body
Low-foaming RubberHeated foam sheet used for soundproof purpose on the steel plate of the vehicle body
Eco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Aqueous AdhesiveEco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Eco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Water-based adhesiveEco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Top-quality products are provided through long experience and know-how.
It is generally used for the soundproof and dustproof purposes on the roof and fender panel of the vehicles
Self-adhesive Anti-vibration PADIt is generally used for the soundproof and dustproof purposes on the roof and fender panel of the vehicles
Heated foam sheet used for soundproof purpose on the steel plate of the vehicle body
Low-foaming RubberHeated foam sheet used for soundproof purpose on the steel plate of the vehicle body
Eco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Aqueous AdhesiveEco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Eco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Water-based adhesiveEco-friendly adhesive with features including excellent adhesive performance, durability and water resistance
Customer satisfaction is realized through top quality.
High Technology & Best Quality
Cleanliness of the company by practicing 3R5S (Right Location, Right Container, Right Quantity + Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
Best quality through process stabilization
Continuous practice and application of quality improvement activities
Customer satisfaction is realized through top quality.
High Technology & Best Quality
Cleanliness of the company by practicing 3R5S (Right Location, Right Container, Right Quantity + Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain)
Best quality through
process stabilization
Continuous practice and application of quality improvement activities
Customer Center
Korea Head office (All products)
+82-43-750-7556 | |
22-16 Oseonsandan-ro, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk, Korea (565, Oseon-ri) | |
+82-43-750-7558 | | |
United States branch office (Beauty products)
+1-646-667-8173 | |
939 2ndave 2ndFloor New York, nyc10022 | | |
Main Clients
Korea Head office
Add : 22-16 Oseonsandan-ro, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk, Korea (565, Oseon-ri)
Tel : +82-43-750-7556 I Fax : +82-43-750-7558 I E-mail :
United States branch office
The head of the U.S. branch: Jessica Kim
Add : 939 2ndave 2ndFloor New York, nyc10022
Tel : +1-646-667-8173 I E-mail :
Copyright©Garmy Advanced Material Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.