Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd specializes in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components.

100% water-based wood STAIN

Product photo after drying

Waterproof test photo

Installation photo 


100% water-based wood STAIN 


This product is completed by adding several additives to an eco-friendly water-soluble resin. It is an aqueous protective agent that can preserve the original pattern and color of wood for a long time by reinforcing weather resistance and water resistance while preserving the natural texture of wood.

Property of matter


a white liquid resin

Smellalmost nothing
Viscosity1,200 ± 100 cps
pH7.5 ± 0.5
Drying timeInitial drying time : within an hour
Complete drying time: more than three hours


  • This product is composed of only eco-friendly resins, harmless to the human body, also not included VOC, so safe from fire. 
  • This product is free in many construction methods. (Brush, Roller, Spray, etc.)
  • Use this product at -5℃ or higher and store it indoors where the temperature is guaranteed in a place without sunlight.

Patent Application & Various Test Reports

Korea Head office

Add : 22-16 Oseonsandan-ro, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk, Korea (565, Oseon-ri) 
Tel : +82-43-750-7556  I  Fax : +82-43-750-7558  I  E-mail :

United States branch office

The head of the U.S. branch: Jessica Kim

Add : 939 2ndave 2ndFloor New York, nyc10022
Tel : +1-646-667-8173  I  E-mail :

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