Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd specializes in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components.
Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd specializes in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components.
Water-Based adhesive for beauty
Water-based adhesive for beauty
Model Name
GA 209G
Can be used for wigs, eyelashes, nail art adhesive.
(Color : White & Black)
Magic water glue eyelashes has type of 1 to 5
Magic water glue wig has type of 1 to 5
This product is an eco-friendly product produced by mixing a resin composed of additives beneficial for adhesion based on a monomer resin, an eco-friendly raw material, and is characterized by excellent adhesion performance and durability.
※ Oil-based adhesives on the market should be removed using products such as acetone after use, and in severe cases, inflammation and pain. This product is a water-based adhesive and can be removed with ordinary water after use according to the intended use, so there is almost no pain.
Packing Unit - 4ℓ, 10ℓ and 16ℓ plastic container packing
[ Property Value ]
Item | Specification | Remark |
Property | Milky-white viscous liquid | |
Odor | Weak ammonia odor | |
pH | 6.5 ~ 7.5 | |
Specific Gravity | 1.1 ± 0.5 | |
Solid | 45 ± 5% | |
Viscosity | 5,000 ± 500 cps (at 25℃, #4 pin, 20rpm) | |
Freezing Point | -5℃ or less | |
Reactivity | Not Applicable | |
VOC | Not Applicable | |
Flash point | Not Applicable | |
Tack-free | 0.5 Hr |
Korea Head office
Add : 22-16 Oseonsandan-ro, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk, Korea (565, Oseon-ri)
Tel : +82-43-750-7556 I Fax : +82-43-750-7558 I E-mail :
United States branch office
The head of the U.S. branch: Jessica Kim
Add : 939 2ndave 2ndFloor New York, nyc10022
Tel : +1-646-667-8173 I E-mail :
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