Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd specializes in Anti-vibration materials and
watertight materials for automobiles and electronic components.


Specialized rubber manufacturer with over 20 years in experience

Thank you for visiting the official website of Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd.

Since Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd was established in 1999, various rubber products are developed and produced based on over 20 years of experience in rubber manufacturing technology. We insist strictly on top quality and technologies, and customer satisfaction is always our top priority and the reason for existence of Garmy Advanced Material.
The company R&D was established to develop exclusive technologies of Garmy, and efforts are made to expand the fields in which the rubber products can be applied.

We hope you continue to take interest and support the efforts of Garmy Advanced Material towards the future.

Thank you.

Executives & Staff
of Garmy Advanced Material co.,Ltd.

Korea Head office

Add : 22-16 Oseonsandan-ro, Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungbuk, Korea (565, Oseon-ri) 
Tel : +82-43-750-7556  I  Fax : +82-43-750-7558  I  E-mail :

United States branch office

The head of the U.S. branch: Jessica Kim

Add : 939 2ndave 2ndFloor New York, nyc10022
Tel : +1-646-667-8173  I  E-mail :

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